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News - 2nd class

27th Jun 2024
The 2nd class boys in room 8 produced some fantastic projects for our "Project Passion"...
10th Jun 2024
On Monday 10th June, the boys in 2nd class travelled to "Let's Go!" camp in DCU for...
6th Jun 2024
2nd class boys enjoying sports day on Belvedere grounds on Thursday 6th June 2024!...
29th May 2024
2nd class have been enjoying doing laps around our yard each day for our 'Run to...
22nd May 2024
On Saturday the 11th May, the boys in 2nd class received the Sacrament of First Holy...
2nd May 2024
Room 1 took DEAR time outside this morning while the sun was shining 😎
10th Apr 2024
2nd class have recently been using a deck of cards to practise their number facts...
20th Mar 2024
We had some excellent costumes for World Book Day in Room 7 including Where's Wally,...
16th Mar 2024
Ar an 15ú lá de mí Márta, bhí lá glas agus...
6th Dec 2023
A huge thank you to our school community for your donations towards this year's @SVP_Ireland ...